ZOE: But I feel like want to give the chance of a conversation, and if they’re a snooze then I can make that decision. Sometimes it’s hard to tell from a profile.
ZOE: But if I’m sitting at home doing nothing, they seem decent enough and the bar is within 15 minutes of my apartment, I always figure I may as well go, have a drink, and see if they’re the love of my life
Do you block people when this goes on too long without making plans to meet up? Or if the conversation naturally dies down and doesnt seem to be going anywhere? Or is that considered harsh?
ZOE: I don’t block but I’ll unmatch them-it stresses me out to have a bunch of guys sitting in a conversation list that I should respond to but don’t want to.
ERIN: Yes, getting “good morning” texts kicks in my codependence. I feel bad if I don’t respond, then I resent them for taking up my time. Blocking or unmatching seems kinder for my personal neuroses, but it all feels kind of wrong.
TAMIM: If it goes on for too long without them making a move I’ll usually try to start giving short answers and then say something like, “Let me know when you wanna get a drink,” and not respond to anything thats not to make plans. The more seasoned of a veteran you become the less you care, I think.
ZOE: I think you need to do what works 10 best dating sites in usa for you in that sense-if you want to block someone, block ’em.
ERIN: So what about the opposite thing: people who say “lets go out tonight” when youve only exchanged like two messages?