#7. Edit the profile information. If you have created an account using Facebook, your page will automatically be filled with personal information including a photo gallery. However, you can adjust your data at any time.
#8. Start your search . Swipe to the right to approve the user’s profile, or to the left to ignore it. In addition, you can use the described buttons at the bottom of the screen for these purposes.
#9. Wait for your chance to communicate. If you’ve put an “I like” mark, and the user has also liked you, the system creates a couple automatically. You’ll receive a notification, and the candidate will appear in the communication section.
That’s all! Simple, impressive, user-friendly. Your user flow should be organized just as smartly as this one. And given that the Tinder system is so convenient, why not take it up as your lead in the dating app development process?
Dating App Monetization
If you have decided to create a dating app like Tinder, you’re likely to want to know all the possible ways to make it profitable.
To begin with, Tinder’s taking advantage of thematic advertising which promotes services and products potentially interesting to users of the service. For example, in 2014, users saw an advertisement for the comedy series named The Mindy Project.
But its not the only way to get money.